What Version of Windows Is Best for the i7 [All Generations]

The Intel Core i-Series line of processors made by Intel have been around for a very long time, and are found in a large percentage of computers. One of these is the i7 which currently has 13 different generations. In this article, I will explain what version of Windows is best for the i7.

Windows 7 is the best version of Windows for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation i7. Whereas, Windows 11 is the best for the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th generation i7.

The reason is that the earlier generations of the i7 aren’t as fast, and Windows 7 is more lightweight. Other versions of Windows such as Windows 10 are not ideal, which I will explain below. As well as:

Let’s go!

Is an i7 Enough For Windows 11

image of a computer running an i7 on Windows

Currently, in 2023/2024 there are 13 generations of the Intel i7. They differ in speed. Windows 11 is the latest version of Windows. Below, is a table that shows what version of Windows is best for each generation of the i7.

Intel i7 GenerationBest version of Windows
1stWindows 7
2ndWindows 7
3rdWindows 7
4thWindows 11
5thWindows 11
6thWindows 11 
7thWindows 11
8thWindows 11
9thWindows 11
10thWindows 11
11thWindows 11
12thWindows 11
13thWindows 11

From the table you can see that a 4th generation or newer i7 should run Windows 11. Whereas, a 3rd generation and lower should run Windows 7. Currently, Intel only sells 3rd generation and newer i7’s.

By today’s standards the 1st and 2nd generation i7 are fairly slow. One interesting thing about Windows that has come up recently is that Windows 11 was released. Since then many people have tested it to see how it compares to Windows 10. I compiled the data in a side by side table to show much faster or slower Windows 11 is compared to Windows 10.

READ MORE >> Is Windows 11 slower than Windows 10

Most people use a computer in a similar way. Where they browse the web, work on documents, and possibly play some games. However, not all i7’s can handle that, regardless, of what version of Windows you install.

Here’s a table that shows what each i7 generation can do, from 1 to 13.

Intel i7 generationWhat it can do
1stOnly for web browsing and documents
2ndOnly for web browsing and documents
3rdOnly for web browsing and documents
4thCan handle resource intensive programs like gaming
5thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
6thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
7thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
8thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
9thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
10thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
11thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
12thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
13thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming

It’s possible to break down how well each of these perform when the best version of Windows is installed on it. Otherwise, the performance will be slower.

GenerationWeb browsing and working on documentsResource intensive programs like video editing softwareGaming
i7 4th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i7 5th generationYes. Good performance.Yes, but very slow and almost unusable.Yes. But, only games that are not graphics intensive like Minecraft.
i7 6th generationYes. Good performanceYes, but very slow and almost unusable.Yes. But, only games that are not graphics intensive like Minecraft.
i7 7th generationYes. Very good performanceMinimumYes. Minimum for graphics intensive games
i7 8th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Ok performance.Yes. Good for graphics intensive games
i7 9th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Very good for graphics intensive games
i7 10th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Excellent for graphics intensive games
i7 11th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Excellent for graphics intensive games
i7 12th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Excellent for graphics intensive games
i7 13th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Excellent for graphics intensive games

What is the best version of the i7

The best version of the i7 for performance is the 13th generation i7. It runs the fastest. The generation number is ascending from worst to best. For example, a 10th generation i7 is faster than a 9th generation 7.

The best i7 processor is typically only required by professional gamers, or video editors that prefer an incredibly fast CPU. For a require computer user, or hobby gamer a 7th generation or better i7 is more than fast enough.

An higher generation i3 or i5 will also provide the same performance. Which one you get will dependon supply and demand. 

For an i-series processor that provide very good performance for work, university, school, or playing graphics intensive games the following i-series processor would be excellent:

  • i7 – 7th generation
  • i5 – 9th generation
  • i3 – 11th generation 

A higher generation of any of these would provide even better performance. But, would be surplus to the needs of most PC users. Even hobby gamers.

You could argue that the i3 and i5 are a better option because they are both completely supported for Windows 11. I covered previously that Windows 11 is only fully compatible on an 8th generation i7 or better.

READ MORE >> Can an i7 run Windows 11

Due to the similarity in performance an i5 or i3 would be better because the generation is higher, and is fully supported for Windows 11. At the end of the day which is cheaper at the time would be the deciding factor. Because they all have equivalent performance.

And it’s still possible to run Windows 11 on a 7th gen i7.

Can an Intel Core i7 Run Windows 10

All Intel Core i7’s run Windows 10 well. But, only a 4th generation or better can run Windows 11 well. A 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gen i7 should ideally run Windows 7 because Windows 10 and Windows 11 will be too slow.

Windows 10 and Windows 11 use virtually the same resources. And run as fast as each other. Almost everyone agrees Windows 11 has a better looking user interface. So, it makes sense to get Windows 11 when you have the choice between Windows 10 and 11.

Which you will have on any 4th generation or higher i7.

Is the i7 Good For Windows

The i7 is good for Windows. However, only a 3rd generation or later i7 will run Windows 11 well. Older versions should use Windows 7 because it has less demand for resources.

Only 8th generation i7’s or higher are fully compatible with Windows 11. But, it’s perfectly fine to run Windows 11 on an incompatible i7.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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