What Version of Windows is Best For the i5 [All Generations]

Intel is one of the most popular computer hardware manufacturers. The i-series processors are some of the best performing CPUs out there. In this article, I will explain what version of Windows is best for an i5 processor.

Windows 7 is the best version of Windows for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation i5’s. Whereas, Windows 11 is the best version of Windows for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th generation i5’s.

The reason Windows 7 is the best for some generations of the i5 compared to others is that Windows 7 is more lightweight than Windows 11. Below, I will explain how well Windows works on the different generations of the i5, as well as:

Let’s get into it!

Is the i5 Good For Windows 11?

image of an i5 running Windows

The i5 is good for Windows 11. But, only the 8th generation or above are fully supported. It will run on lower i5 generations. However, Windows 11 is only best for 6th generation i5’s and above. 

As you may know the i5 generations go in order from fastest to slowest. For example, a 4th generation i5 is faster than a 3rd generation i5. Windows 11 only runs well on a 6th generation i5 or better.

Here’s a table that shows the best version of Windows for each generation of the i5:

Intel i5 GenerationBest version of Windows
2ndWindows 7
3rdWindows 7
4thWindows 7
5thWindows 7
6thWindows 11 
7thWindows 11
8thWindows 11
9thWindows 11
10thWindows 11
11thWindows 11
12thWindows 11
13thWindows 11

While Windows 7 and Windows 11 will run on the i5 it does leave out other versions of Windows. These are:

  • Windows 8 – almost everyone agrees the user interface is not good
  • Windows 10 – the user interface is not as good as Windows 11.

Interestingly, Windows 10 and Windows 11 are almost identical for performance. I showed the results of some independent tests comparing the speed of Windows 10 to Windows 11.

READ MORE >> Is Windows 11 slower than Windows 10

While the Intel i5 will run Windows well there are some limitations for how it will perform. In general, a 6th generation or lower can only be used for a school, university, or work computer.

Whereas, for gaming, video editing/rendering, and other large resource intensive programs an 7th generation or better is required to have a smooth experience. Here’s a table that summarizes this info:

Intel i5 generationWhat it can do
2ndOnly for web browsing and documents
3rdOnly for web browsing and documents
4thOnly for web browsing and documents
5thOnly for web browsing and documents
6thOnly for web browsing and documents
7thCan handle resource intensive programs like gaming
8thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
9thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
10thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
11thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
12thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming
13thCan easily handle resource intensive programs like gaming

This is true regardless of what version of Windows you have. Windows 11 has a bigger demand for resources than Windows 7. So, if you install Windows 11 on a computer that is better suited to Windows 7 it will be significantly slower.

As of 2023, a low-end to mid-range computer or laptop with an Intel CPU will have one with Windows 11. It will be an i5 6th generation or better. Another option is to get a newer generation of the i3.

To find the equivalent i3 to an i5 you add two generations. For example, an 8th generation i5 is the same as a 10th generation i3. 8 + 2 generations = 10. And a 4th generation i5 is the same as a 6th generation i3. 4 + 2 generations = 6.

Here’s a table that shows much fine detail about how well the i5 performs based on its generation. I have only included from the 4th generation because it’s quite difficult to source an i5 that is lower than that. And currently Intel only sells i5’s that are 4th generation and above.

GenerationWeb browsing and working on documentsResource intensive programs like video editing softwareGaming
i5 4th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i5 5th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i5 6th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i5 7th generationYes. Good performance.Yes, but very slow and almost unusable.Yes. But, only games that are not graphics intensive like Minecraft.
i5 8th generationYes. Good performanceYes, but very slow and almost unusable.Yes. But, only games that are not graphics intensive like Minecraft.
i5 9th generationYes. Very good performanceMinimumYes. Minimum for graphics intensive games
i5 10th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Ok performance.Yes. Good for graphics intensive games
i5 11th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Very good for graphics intensive games
i5 12th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Excellent for graphics intensive games
i5 13th generationYes, Excellent performance, the best performance possible.Yes. Excellent performance.Yes. Excellent for graphics intensive games

Can Intel i5 Run Windows 10?

The Intel i5 can run Windows 10. But, Windows 11 is the best option for an i5. The reason is Windows 11 and Windows 10 have identical performance. But, Windows 11 has a better looking user interface.

But, this is provided the i5 is a 6th generation or above. Otherwise, Windows 7 is the best. Windows 10 will run but Windows 7 will be significantly faster.

Is the i5 Outdated?

The i5 is not outdated. The i5 is one of the most popular CPUs. But, some generations of the i5 are generally considered to be fazed out. They are no longer sold new, and compared to today’s standards are too slow.

This includes the 1st and 2nd generation i5. Whereas, the 13th generation i5 is arguably the best processor on the market. Based on performance as well as value for money. Any i5 that is a 6th generation or lower is somewhat outdated. They can only run Windows 7 well.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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