What Percentage RAM Is Too High? [Everything You Need To Know]

Computers have more or less RAM, and RAM also comes in different speeds. The amount of RAM in use can be seen in the Task Manager in Windows. In this article, I will explain what percentage of RAM is too high.

No RAM usage percentage is too high. The maximum RAM usage is 100%. When RAM is running at 100% it’s ideal. When it is it means you RAM is being utilized 100%. However, it typically only occurs when your are running a resource intensive program such as video editing software, or a game.

The amount of RAM your PC has changes how much of the RAM is being utilized.

Below, I will explain:

Let’s go!

Is It Bad For RAM To Be at 100%?

image of a computer with high RAM percentage

It’s not bad for RAM to be at 100%. Below, is a table that shows what the RAM usage percentage should be based on how much RAM your computer has.

Amount of RAM on PCNormal RAM usage when idle
4 GB80%+
8 GBLess than 50%
16 GBLess than 30%
32 GBAround 5%

To see how much RAM your computer has go open the Task Manager.

The more RAM your computer has the less of the RAM will be in use when idle. Below, is another table that shows how much of the RAM usage is typical for the main tasks done on a computer.

Open in the background8GB16GB32GB
Google Chrome tab2% RAM usage1% RAM usage0.5% RAM usage
Application like Skype20% RAM usage1% RAM usage0.5% RAM usage
Graphics intensive game100% RAM usage70% RAM usage50% RAM usage
Video editing software100% RAM usage70% RAM usage50% RAM usage
10 Google Chrome tabs20% RAM usage10% RAM usage5% RAM usage

From the table you can see that it’s only normal to see RAM usage at 100% when running a resource intensive program. Otherwise it indicates an issue with your computer. The most common causes are:

  • Programs open in the background
  • An update running the background (such as a Windows update)
  • A virus or malware

The other metric for RAM is the RAM speed. About every 5 years a new version of RAM is released. For example, DDR2 RAM was the standard, then DDR3 came out after 5 years and replaced.

READ MORE >> Does Slow RAM Affect CPU

The improvement in RAM speed is typically a 2x increase. But, it does not translate to improved PC performance. Typically, the improvement is less than 5%. For example, if your computer currently has DDR4 RAM, and you replace it with DDR5 RAM.

Typically, there are also compatibility issues with the motherboard. Therefore, it only makes sense to upgrade RAM to a new version when you get a new computer. But, in general it’s industry standard for all new computers to have the latest type of RAM.

The other main component on a computer is the graphics card (GPU). There are two types. Those that are built into the motherboard – integrated graphics cards. And those that are a separate component – a dedicated graphics card.

As you may know getting a dedicated graphics card when you have an integrated graphics card provides a significant improvement in performance. 

I compiled some data from independent tests to see if the amount of RAM a computer has affects the frames per second (FPS).

READ MORE >> Does low RAM affect GPU performance 

How much RAM to have in 2023

For almost all user 8GB of RAM is sufficient. For somewhat serious gamers, and people that use their computer for work such as video editors, and streamers typically 32GB is the best. With 16GB being the minimum.

Many sources state that 16GB is the new minimum in 2023. But, this only applies to people who require additional performance such as semi-serious gamers. Or, passionate gaming hobbyists.

Is It Normal To Use 50% RAM?

It’s perfectly normal to use 50% RAM. If your computer has 8GB of RAM or less, then it’s typical for the RAM usage to be at 50% when idle. 

If you have more RAM, either 16GB or 32GB it’s only possible of the RAM to be at 50% when running programs that have a high demand for computer resources. Such as a graphics intensive game.

There is a hidden setting in Windows called Sysmain. It preloads the RAM with files from programs that are frequently used. It’s meant to improve performance. In my testing I found that you can free up a considerable 1GB of RAM by disabling Sysmain. 

READ MORE >> Does disabling Sysmain improve performance

In the article I posted screenshots showing the before and after, and explain how to turn Sysmain on and off.

What Percentage Should RAM Usage Be When Gaming?

Most games put a very high demand on the CPU, GPU, and RAM. Your RAM percentage when gaming will vary based on how much RAM you have. Here’s a table that shows what your RAM percentage should be based on how much RAM you computer has:

Amount of RAMRAM usage when gaming
8GB100% RAM usage
16GB70% RAM usage
32GB50% RAM usage

The RAM usage above is based on having no other programs open. Or, only programs that are very light weight, such as a music player. It’s almost always recommended unless you have 32GB of RAM, to close everything else in the background when gaming.

Web browser tabs like Google Chrome typically put a significant demand for resources. If you RAM usage is significantly different to those shown in the table above, then you should look further into what is causing the issue.

There is something a miss. It’s likely you have a background program open your don’t know about. Or, there is a virus or malware that is leeching some of your RAM.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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