What Is More Important CPU Cores or RAM?

There is a particular amount of RAM that is ideal for computers, but RAM also comes in many different speeds. To get the best performance out of your computer, today I will cover what is more important the CPU cores or RAM.

Overall, CPU cores are more important than RAM. But, only if you have 8GB of RAM. If you have less than 8GB get more RAM. Independent tests have found that more than 8GB of RAM provides no improvement in performance. Whereas, more CPU cores does provide a significant improvement in performance.

Below, I will cover:

Let’s go!

Is More Cores Better Than More RAM

image of a computer that has a processor with multiple CPU cores and RAM

The key metric for CPUs (processors) is clock speed. Whereas, the key metric for RAM is the amount you have. Every 5 years a new edition of RAM is released and all new computers are made to be compatible with it.

Currently, RAM is DDR5. Previously, it was DDR4. It’s not important what speed your RAM is because faster RAM has a very insignificant effect on computer performance. 

To see the full timeline of when each version of RAM was released, and how much faster the new versions were compared to the previous version. 

Such as, DDR4 compared to DDR5, check out this article about whether low RAM affects GPU performance. As well as, when DDR6 is coming out.

The truth is:

If you have 8GB to 16GB of RAM there is no further performance improvement that can be achieved by getting more RAM.

Therefore, the only option that’s left is the CPU. CPUs have a huge range from extremely high end to low end. Typically, a $700 computer or so will have a medium to high end CPU, with 16GB of RAM.

If you were to take a computer like this and improve it, the only things you would change are to get a faster CPU, and a faster graphics card (GPU). The bottomline is that provided you have 8GB of RAM CPU cores are more important than RAM.

Funnily enough, nowadays most new computers will come with 8GB of RAM. And it’s something to ensure any new computer you have has. 

What Makes a Computer Slow the RAM or the Processor

To understand why CPU cores are more important than RAM, let’s take a look at what makes a computer slow the RAM or the processor. Simply put, the processor is what limits how fast a computer will run.

Therefore, the processor is what makes a computer slow.

Upgrading to a faster processor provides a significant improvement in computer performance. Whereas, getting more RAM does not. The reason is most computer come with the minimum amount of RAM.

Which is also the recommended and ideal amount of RAM. Previously, 4GB of RAM was the standard, and most computers running Windows 10 had this and it worked great. But, in the last 5 years or so 8GB has become the standard. Pretty much, all new computers come with 8GB of RAM.

The one exceptions would be people who use their computer for resource intensive things like gaming, streaming, and video editing and rendering will benefit from having more RAM. Typically, 16GB is ideal. But, for a very serious person 32GB is the best.

More RAM or Better Processor Laptop

In general, provided you have 8GB of RAM you should get a better processor. The ideal amount of RAM for a laptop of 8GB. It works very well for work, school, university. As well as, for resource intensive things like video editing/rendering, gaming, and streaming.

If your laptop has less than 8GB of RAM, the priority should be getting 8GB of RAM. After that, you should get one with a better processor. Independent tests have found that having more than 8GB of RAM does not improve a PCs performance.

But, for serious gamers, video editors, or streamers 32GB of RAM is ideal. Many people argue that getting 32GB of RAM future proofs a computer. 

That way in the future when programs have a bigger demand for resources you won’t need to add additional RAM. However, adding more RAM is very inexpensive and easy to do. So, can be done down the line when you need it.

What’s More Important RAM or Processor

Overall, the processor is more important than RAM. RAM is only important if you have less than 8GB of RAM. If you have less than 8GB of RAM then the RAM is more important than the processor. 8GB of RAM provides the ideal performance for a computer.

But, adding more RAM does not increase a computers performance forever. With RAM, the options are 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB.

8GB is ideal for almost everyone. 4GB is far too slow and not recommended. 16GB and 32GB will not provide a performance improvement for most users. 

But, for serious streamers, video editors, and gamers, 16GB or 32GB are better options. With 32GB maxing out how fast your computer will be.

What’s the Difference Between CPU Cores and RAM

CPU cores process files, and send instructions to the other components on a computer. Whereas, the RAM is essentially a gateway between the CPU cores, and the hard drive.

If the CPU was to access the files it needs from the hard drive itself it would very slow. RAM is ridiculously faster at accessing files from a hard drive – which is necessary 24/7 for a computer. 

It’s estimated RAM is 3000 times faster at retrieving and writing files to the hard drive than the CPU. Without RAM computer would be unusably slow. RAM and CPU cores perform two different functions.

CPU cores perform complex calculations and send and receive instructions from other components on the PC. Whereas, the RAM simply sends and receives files, and does not do any processing at all.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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