Laptop Stands vs Cooling Pads [All the Reasons To Get One or Not]

To cool your laptop you have a few different options. Two of the most popular are laptop stands, and laptop cooling pads. Today, I will provide a full comparison of laptop stands vs cooling pads and which is better. 

Overall, a cooling pad is better. It provides 2°C more of cooling. However, some laptops have no external fans. As a result, a laptop stand or cooling pad provides the same amount of cooling.

Cooling a laptop is typically not a major issue, as computers are designed so they operate at about 50% of the same operating temperature. So, unless you have a big build up of dust in your fans, chances are your laptop is nowhere close to overheating. Below, I will explain:

What’s Better: A Laptop Cooling Pad or Laptop Stand

a laptop without a laptop stand or a laptop cooling pad

A laptop cooling pad is better than a laptop stand. It provides more cooling than a laptop stand. They also cost around the same. The only exception is if your laptop has no external fans on the underside.

You should inspect your laptop to see if it has openings on the underside. Otherwise a cooling pad and a laptop stand will provide the same amount of cooling. Another option is a vacuum cooler, which fits into the fan on the side of your laptop.

But, these are inferior for a few reasons. I’ll cover why vacuum coolers are not a good option below. The bottom line is that a laptop cooling pad is the best option. However, a laptop stand can provide more comfort when typing, and also provides about the same amount of cooling.

So, when comparing a laptop stand vs cooling pad: the answer is most of the time a cooling pad is the best option.

Pros and cons of using a cooling pad for a laptop

Here’s a table that shows the pros and cons of using a cooling pad for a laptop. Based on independent tests it has been shown that a cooling pad can provide significant cooling for a laptop.

Pros of using a cooling pad for a laptopCons of using a cooling pad for a laptop
Provides 5 to 15 °C of coolingTypically provides no performance improvement
More comfortable when using a laptop on your lapCan get the same cooling results using a stand
You prefer the looking of a cooling pad over a stand.Takes up more space than a stand
Requires a USB port for power

A big advantage of a cooling pad is if you use your laptop on your lap. They can get uncomfortably hot. While a book works well, a cooling pad cools particularly cool. Most people prefer to type with the keyboard mostly flat. 

But, if you prefer an angled keyboard a laptop stand can be a better option. The one downside is that you can’t use it when using your laptop on your lap.

Pros and cons of using a laptop stand for a laptop

A laptop stand provides an almost identical amount of cool to a cooling pad. With cooling pads being slightly superior and providing on average 2°C of cooling than a laptop stand. Here are the pros and cons of using a laptop stand for a laptop.

Pros of using a laptop stand for a laptopCons of using a laptop stand for a laptop
Provides 5 to 15 °C of coolingTypically provides no performance improvement
Laptop stand and cooling pad combos provide no benefitLaptop stand and cooling pad combos provide no benefit
Does not requires  USB port for power

There are also laptop stands that have a cooling pad built in. These look particularly cool. But, in independent tests it was found these aren’t the most efficient at cooling. And interestingly, a cooling pad provides better cooling.

The other main consideration is that most laptops are not running too hot. But, some laptops see significant improvements in performance when they are cooled. I explained this in more detail and showed the results of an independent test of 10 individual laptops in this article about whether laptop cooling pads are bad for laptops.

Are laptop vacuum coolers good

Vacuum coolers can be the only option. Some laptops have no vents on the underside. And only a side vent or two. Unless your laptop is one of these, a laptop stand or cooling pad is a better option.

The reason is that vacuum coolers are noticeably louder, and they are also more difficult to set up.

The temperature decrease that vacuum coolers provide is about the same as a cooling pad, or laptop stand. And provides, on average, 5 to 15 °C of cooling.

How Do Laptop Cooling Pads Work

Laptop cooling pads work by blowing air over the air vents in your laptop. A laptop cooling pad typically has 1 to 4 fans that blow air upwards. They are designed so that the underside of a laptop sits on top of them.

But, some laptops have no air vents on the underside. The configuration of the air vents can also cause a cooling pad to provide no cooling. This happens because some air vents blow air outwards. In other cases, a laptop will have heat sinks that benefit from additional air flow.

Therefore, it’s hit and miss whether a laptop cooling pad will work for you, and your specific laptop. The main advantage of a laptop cooling pad is that it will stop a laptop from getting hot on your lap.

Are Laptop Cooling Pads Worth It

Laptop cooling pads are worth it. Laptop cooling pads provide around 5 to 15 °C of cooling. They also stop the underside from getting hot, which can make a laptop difficult to use on your lap. Or on a surface that is insulating, such as a bed or couch.

Otherwise, most laptops do not have an issue with overheating unless they have been used in a dusty environment, or are reasonably old. Doing so can cause a build up of dust in the fans, and exhaust vents. This can be solved by using an inexpensive can of compressed air.

For a small number of laptops that both: use thermal throttling AND have a good ventilation hole configuration for a cooling pad, a cooling pad will provide a 10% increase in performance. But, this is the exception more than the rule. Due to the fact that laptop cooling pads can be purchased for under $25, it’s worth trying one out. Even if it ends up only being useful as an accessory.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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