Is Windows 11 Stable Enough Now [2023]

Some versions of Windows came out, and were a total flop. While others have been released smoothly and were well accepted by Windows users. Recently Windows 11 was released, and in this article, I will explain if Windows 11 is stable enough now in 2023.

Windows 11 is stable enough now in 2023. It has been reported by Microsoft that Windows 11 has a crash rate of 0.08% per use. Therefore, on average, you can expect Windows 11 to crash one in every 10,000 times you use it. Where your PC will need to be restarted.

Below, I will cover:

Let’s dive in!

Should You Upgrade to Windows 11

To get to the bottom of whether Windows 11 is stable, and if you should upgrade to Windows 11 I compiled some data from Reddit threads. It showed that the vast majority of people report no issues with Windows 11, and also state that you should upgrade to Windows 11.

Many people report using it for a year or more and having no issues. Below, Is a table that shows the results of the data I compiled:

Is Windows 11 stable & should you upgrade to Windows 11VotesPercentage

Overall, you should upgrade to Windows 11. It has a better looking user interface than Windows 10. But, it operates at the same speed as Windows 10. If it’s compatible with your PC you should upgrade.

Microsoft also collected data from people who tested Windows 11 on many different machines. They found that Windows 11 crashed only 0.08% of every use on computers that are compatible with Windows 11. Whereas, PCs that are not compatible with Windows 11 crashed 0.16% of every computer session.

While the percentage of crashes is nearly double, the overall percentage is still very low. So that it’s virtually guaranteed you will have no issues with Windows 11. The other major advantage of Windows 11 is it runs just as fast as Windows 10.

I’ve been using Windows 11 now for a few months. Previously I was using Windows 10 on an older laptop, which I now keep as a back up. I have found Windows 11 works flawlessly, without any issues at all. And I really like the user interface compared to Windows 10.

I compiled some data to see how much faster or slower Windows 11 is compared to Windows 10. I summarized it in this article about whether Windows 11 uses more resources than Windows 10. Check it out for a speed and resource comparison between Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Known issues and bugs with Windows 11

Currently, there are no known bugs or major issues with Windows 11. This has been the case since Windows 11 was released.

The most controversial Windows release was Windows 8. The reason is it had a far different start menu. 

In fact, it had no start menu at all. Windows 8 remains as the only new version of Windows that had major issues. Therefore, you can confidently update to Windows 11. 

Microsoft keeps track of all the known bugs and regularly updates Windows 11 to fix them. They list these on their official website. All of these, however, are very minor. And overall Windows 11 has been a very successful update to Windows.

Is it Good To Upgrade to Windows 11

Some people prefer to wait quite some time before they upgrade things like Windows, or devices. Windows 10 works perfectly fine. But…

Overall, it’s good to upgrade to Windows 11. Windows 11 and Windows 10 perform identically, and have a virtually identical demand for computer resources such as the RAM, and CPU. Windows 11 offers a far better looking user interface. 

It’s fairly easy to upgrade to Windows 11 as well. The easiest option is to use the Windows Updater. I explained that in detail in this article about if you can upgrade to Windows 11 on your own. It also covers if you can undo updating to Windows 11.

Is Windows 11 Stable Now in 2023

Windows 11 is stable now in 2023. It has been stable since it was released in October 2021. Since then, many people have waited to upgrade. Multiple sources state that currently in 2023 around 30% of computers are running Windows 11, with the remaining 70% still running Windows 10.

It’s likely this number will increase a lot over the next 5 years, as older hardware stops working. And people buy new computers. Nowadays, new computers all come with Windows 11.

Is Windows 11 Better Than Windows 10

Because Windows 11 is newer, you would assume it’s better than Windows 10. It gets a bit confusing to look at all of the new features built into Windows 11. And honestly most people will never use them.

So, breaking it down to its bare bones – speed, usability, and how it looks, Windows 11 is either on par or better than Windows 10. 

Virtually everyone agrees the user interface on Windows 11 is far better looking. But, it is very similar to Windows 10. Therefore, it’s not at all confusing to find anything.

Windows 11 and Windows 10 are also as fast as each other. Therefore, for speed and usability Windows 11 and Windows 10 are the same. So overall, Windows 11 comes out on top. But, Windows 10 is still perfectly fine to use.

Gaming uses a lot of a computer’s resources. Most of the popular games are made for Windows 10. But, most popular games are not available for older versions of Windows such as Windows 7 and older. Currently, all games that run on Windows 10 run on Windows 11.

In very rare exception some very popular games have stated that Windows 11 is still not fully supported on Windows 11. For example, the developers for the very popular game League of Legends have stated this in the minimum system requirements. 

But, this is the only case I have found, after analyzing over 10 of the most popular games. And the trend is that all games that work on Windows 10 work on Windows 11.

It’s also reported that all Steam games work. I explained this in more detail in the article below about whether games work on Windows 11.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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