Is Windows 11 Hard To Use [Everything You Need to Know]

Here’s a video where I explain everything you need to know. After that is a summary of the key points, and more information:

New computers now come with Windows 11. Windows 11 has been out for over a year now, and as a result many people have tested it and reported back about how well it works. Today, I will explain if Windows 11 is hard to use.

Overall, Windows 11 is not hard to use. If you’ve used Windows before it will be very easy to use Windows 11. If you have never used Windows before it will take a few weeks to get comfortable using it.

I compiled some data from over 50 people who have been using Windows 11 to see what they thought of Windows 11. Below, I will cover:

Is Windows 11 Harder To Use Than Windows 10

a picture of a person using a computer showing if Windows 11 is hard

Computers at times can seem a bit complicated, and there are always new versions of software, and apps coming out.

Most are user friendly enough, but here is everything you need to know about whether Windows 11 is harder to use than Windows 10.

Windows 11 is not harder to use than Windows 10. The user interface on Windows 11 is almost identical to Windows 10. The main difference is the color scheme, font, and minor layout changes. Using a computer running Windows 11 is virtually identical to a Windows 10.

A survey of over 50 people found that the vast majority recommend upgrading to Windows 11 from Windows 10. Here’s a table that shows the results:

Should you upgrade to Windows 11VotesPercentage

The location of all of the apps, how the start menu is layed out, and where you access and change all of the settings are in almost exactly the same place on Windows 11, compared to older versions of Windows.

Therefore, if you know how to do something on older versions of Windows, such as Windows 10, you will easily be able to do it on Windows 11.

Is Windows 11 Better than Windows 10

Overall, Windows 11 is better than Windows 10. The main reason is it has a better looking user interface. Windows 11 has virtually identical performance for load times, and how much of a computer’s resources it uses.

There are various added features such as an improved voice to text app, as well as, the ability to snap groups of Windows, with more options to lay them out on the screen.

But, in practice only a small percentage of users will use these advanced features.

The main draw, and the main reason people are upgrading is because the user interface looks a lot better. Microsoft has stated that they have added some increased security features to Windows 11.

These new security features need a computer to have TPM 2.0, a type of processor (CPU) technology. Which caused a bit of confusion once these system requirements were released.

But, now there are many good resources online about how to install Windows 11 on a computer without TPM 2.0.

How stable Windows 11 is

When new software comes out, it can often have a few bugs. These are fixed once they are discovered using updates. One concern is if Windows 11 is stable, or if it has a lot of crashes.

Microsoft compiled a bunch of data about how often Windows 11 crashes. 

It was found that it has a very low crash rate of only 0.08%. That means for every 10,000 times you use your computer Windows 11 will crash one time.

Therefore, Windows 11 is very stable. The people that said they think it’s a good idea to upgrade to Windows 11 also said that they have been running Windows 11 without any problems. And it runs just as fast as Windows 10.

Is Windows 11 Faster Than Windows 10

Windows 11 is faster than Windows 10. But, only by a very small margin.

Independent tests that looked at all of the tasks done on Windows such as starting up, opening a program, installing a program, and copying files from one destination to another found that Windows 11 was 2% faster overall than Windows 10.

But, it did depend on the specific task. Windows 10 was faster at some tasks, and slower than others. While, Windows 11 was faster at some tasks and slower than others. But, if you average it out, Windows 11 is faster. I showed the details of the independent tests in this article about whether Windows 11 is slower than Windows 10.

Is it worth switching to Windows 11

It is worth switching to Windows 11. There is no decrease in performance, and it has a much better looking user interface. There are a few minor changes, for example, by default the start menu and icons are in the middle of the taskbar.

I personally changed these so they are on the far left like older versions of Windows just because it’s something I’m used to. Another concern for gamers is whether Windows 11 performs well for gaming. I explained this in detail in this article about whether you lose FPS on Windows 11.

Are there any disadvantages to upgrading to Windows 11

Overall, there are no disadvantages to upgrading to Windows 11, apart from the 15 minutes or so it takes to install it. It’s also possible to go back to Windows 10 anytime you like. When you go Windows you will have a lifetime license.

It applies to Windows overall, and therefore, you can download every new version of Windows as it’s released. So, you can download Windows 11 for free if you are currently using an older version of Windows.

The easiest method is to use the Windows Update tool in Windows. When Windows 11 was first released only some computers had the option to download Windows 11 from the Windows Update feature on Windows. But, now if your computer is compatible the option will be there.

The good news is that when you install Windows 11 it keeps all the existing files on your computer. But, Microsoft recommends making a backup of any important files just in case.

If the option is not there it means your computer is not compatible with Windows 11. But, it’s still possible to install it. You need to do a work around using the information on the official Windows 11 website.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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