Is It OK to Use 80% Of RAM [Everything You Need To Know]

The Windows Task Manager shows what percent of the RAM is in use. Today, I will explain if 80% RAM usage is OK.

80% RAM usage is OK. But, should only occur when a few programs are open. Or, one resource intensive program is open. Otherwise, it indicates an issue. 

Most computers have 8GB of RAM, and when idle the RAM usage should be around 50%. If your computer has 4GB it will have a higher RAM usage percentage, and if you have 16GB or 32GB it will be higher.

Below, I will explain how much RAM usage is normal based on how much RAM your computer has, as well as:

Let’s dive in!

Is 80% RAM Usage Too High

image of a computer with 80% RAM usage

80% RAM usage is too high when your computer is idle. As you are likely aware, a computer that is idle has no programs open. Typically, however, there are a few background apps running unless a person is proactive about disabling them.

This can cause RAM usage to be higher than it needs to be. More on a few simple steps to lower RAM usage further below. First, here’s a table that shows what RAM usage is normal based on how much RAM your computer has, when idle.

Amount of RAM on PCNormal RAM usage when idle
4 GB80%+
8 GBLess than 50%
16 GBLess than 30%
32 GBAround 5%

You can see how much RAM you have in the Task Manager. The place where you can see your RAM usage.

Virtually all new computers come with 4GB, with almost all experienced PC users, and gamers reporting that 8GB is ideal. With 16GB and 32GB being for more serious gamers and computer users.

Various tests have been done comparing the speed of a PC based on how much RAM it has. Below, is a table that summarizes how much RAM a computer should have based on what it’s used for.

RAMWhat the computer should be used for
4 GBNot recommended
8 GBWork, school, university, hobby computer, decent gaming performance
16 GBGaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software
32 GBGaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software

RAM usage when programs are open, depends on what kind of program it is. Here’s a table that breaks down the average RAM usage on a computer for the main types of programs that you can have open. It is further broken down based on how much RAM your PC has.

Open in the background8GB16GB32GB
Google Chrome tab2% RAM usage1% RAM usage0.5% RAM usage
Application like Skype20% RAM usage1% RAM usage0.5% RAM usage
Graphics intensive game100% RAM usage70% RAM usage50% RAM usage
Video editing software100% RAM usage70% RAM usage50% RAM usage
10 Google Chrome tabs20% RAM usage10% RAM usage5% RAM usage

If you compare the numbers above to the RAM usage on your computer and you find your RAM usage is higher than normal, it indicates an issue. Below, how to fix it.

How to lower RAM usage

Higher than normal RAM usage is caused by:

  • Unnecessary programs open in the background
  • A virus or malware
  • A temporary background process like a Windows update

A new install of Windows 11 has a few programs that run in the background that aren’t mandatory. As well as, various settings that can be disabled to lower RAM usage. It’s worth tinkering around for 20 to 30 minutes using tips in Youtube videos for lowering RAM usage to speed up your PC.

One setting that is not very well known is SysMain. SysMain is a special feature in all versions of Windows. It keeps track of programs you use the most frequently, and then preloads the files for these programs onto your RAM.

I first heard about it on a forum, and found many people recommending disabling it. I tried it myself on my new laptop running Windows 11 with 8GB of RAM. 

I found it freed up 1GB of RAM. You can see my before and after screenshots, and an easy to follow video that shows how to disable it in this article.

READ MORE >> Does disabling SysMain improve performance

Is It OK to Use 80% Of RAM On a Laptop

It’s OK to use 80% RAM on a laptop. Most laptops have 4GB or 8GB of RAM. It’s normal for RAM usage to be 80% when running programs on your laptop. But, if your laptop has 8GB of RAM and the RAM usage is 80% with no programs open it indicates an issue.

And your RAM usage is higher than normal. The same is true if you have 16GB or 32GB of RAM. You should refer to the instructions above about how to lower RAM usage.

80% RAM Usage Windows 11

80% RAM usage is normal when programs are running on Windows 11. But, it is higher than normal when idle if you have more than 8GB or more of RAM. You should identify what is causing higher than normal RAM usage using the tips above about how to lower RAM usage.

Windows 11 and Windows 10 are almost identical. So, the guidelines above about normal RAM usage apply the same to Windows 11 and Windows 10.

80% RAM Usage While Gaming – What it Means

Almost all popular games have a very high demand for a computer’s resources. It’s normal to see the CPU, GPU, and RAM usage spike and stay very high when in a game. 

When your RAM usage is 80% while gaming it is perfectly normal if you have 8GB or 16GB or RAM. But, if you have 32GB of RAM your RAM usage is a bit higher than normal if the game is the only program that is open.

Another very interesting question is how the amount of RAM a computer has affects frames-per-second (FPS). And if getting more RAM increases your average in game FPS. A range of tests were performed on some of the most popular games.

It was found that provided a computer has 8GB of RAM, getting additional RAM provides almost no improvement in gaming performance. Here’s a table that shows how the average FPS, and GPU usage percentage differ based on how much RAM a computer has:

Amount of RAMIn game GPU usageAverage FPS
8 GB50% to 80%300
16 GB50% to 80%300
32 GB50% to 70%300

Tests were performed on the most popular game at the moment – Fortnite. Additional tests were done on other games. You can see the results in this article about whether low RAM affects GPU performance.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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