Is Intel Core i3 Good for Windows 10?

Even if your computer has the minimum specs for Windows 10 it can still run fairly slow. 

Intel is one of the most popular computer components manufacturers and make the well known and well liked i-series of CPUs. 

In this article, I will explain if one of the older Intel CPUs, the Intel Core i3 is good for Windows 10, or if it’s too slow.

Any Intel Core i3 newer than the 3rd generation runs Windows 10 in a way where it won’t be frustratingly slow to use. But, playing graphics intensive games is not possible on anything below the 12th generation Intel Core i3.

Various tests have been performed to see how well Windows 10 runs on the various different Intel Core i3 processors, below I will describe and show how well the different generations of the i3 CPUs work for Windows 10, based on what you want to use your computer for.

How Well the Different Generation i3’s Work for Windows 10 

Intel releases a new generation of each of their different i-series processors (CPUs) most years. Each new generation offers increased performance, for example the 5th generation i3 is faster than the 4th generation i3. 

Below is a table that shows how well the different generation i3’s work for Windows 10, and some recommendations based and what you want to use your computer for:

GenerationWeb browsing and working on documentsResource intensive programs like video editing softwareGaming
i3 4th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 5th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 6th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 7th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 8th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 9th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 10th generationYes. Ok performance.No.No.
i3 11th generationYes. Good performance.Yes, but very slow and almost unusable.Yes. But, only games that are not graphics intensive like Minecraft.
i3 12th generationYes. Good performanceYes, but very slow and almost unusable.Yes. But, only games that are not graphics intensive like Minecraft.
i3 13th generationYes. Very good performanceMinimumYes. Minimum for graphics intensive games

Overall, you can see that the Is Intel Core i3 Good for Windows 10. But, does depend on what you want to use your computer for, and the specific generation of i3.

As you may know, the generation that a i3 CPU is is either written in the description of the CPU. Or, has the model number with the first number being the generation, and has 4 numbers. For example: 

  • Intel i3 4360 – is a 4th generation i3
  • Intel i3 5010U – is a 5th generation i3
  • Intel i3 10320 – is a 10th generation i3

Anything below the 12th generation i3 will be painstakingly slow for running programs that require a lot of computer resources like graphics intensive games, Photoshop, and video editing software. Most graphics intensive games will be unplayable. And rendering video, and exporting images will be incredibly slow.

Here’s a video that shows how well the Intel i3 4th generation works to run Windows 10:

As you can see, when you open Windows Settings, and similar it takes 2 to 3 seconds to load. But, browsing the web works perfectly fine. Graphics intensive games are unplayable on the i3 12th gen or older.

Best Windows Version For i3 CPUs that are older gen 

There are older versions of Windows which still work great to this day, and offer increased performance compared to Windows 10. A 4th gen i3 CPU is OK for running Windows 10, but it’s not the snappiest.

Older versions of Windows use less of the CPU, and RAM a computer has and therefore, offer better performance. Interestingly, for a gaming computer many of the newest titles are also available on Windows 7. 

But, not on versions older than that. Windows 8 should also be avoided by anyone for one major reason. It has a significantly different user interface to all of the other versions of Windows. Virtually everyone reports they don’t like it. Rather than having a start menu, it uses a list of tiles to select the program or app your want to run.

How the i3 Compares to the i5, i7, and i9 for Windows 10

Intel makes i-series CPUs (processors) that differ in performance, such as the i5, and i7. In general an Intel i-series processor that has a higher number is faster. 

Because of the different generations such as the 10th generation and 12 generation they can be equivalent in performance. There is a rule of thumb that you can use to figure this out.

The rule is an i-series processor that is a lower series is equivalent to 2 generations older than the i-series processor that is a high series.

For example, an i5 that is 8th generation is the same as an i3 that is a 10th generation. Here’s a table which you can use as a reference to make it easy to work out.

Same asSame asSame as
i9 13th generationNo equivalent i7No equivalent i5No equivalent i3
i9 12th generationNo equivalent i7No equivalent i5No equivalent i3
i9 11th generationi7 13th generationNo equivalent i5No equivalent i3
i9 10th generationi7 12th generationNo equivalent i5No equivalent i3
i9 9th generationi7 11th generationi5 13th generationNo equivalent i3
i9 8th generationi7 11th generationi5 13th generationNo equivalent i3
i9 7th generationi7 9th generationi5 11th generationi3 13th generation
i9 6th generationi7 8th generationi5 10th generationi3 12th generation
i9 5th generationi7 7th generationi5 9th generationi3 11th generation
i9 4th generationi7 6th generationi5 8th generationi3 10th generation

(source: Lenovo)

What Intel Core i3 Is the Best for Windows 10, and 11

Windows 10 and Windows 11 have the best looking user interface out of all the Windows versions, but they do require more computer resources than older versions of Windows. The newest generation i3 has the lowest specs out of all of the Intel i-series processors, but still works well for Windows 10 and 11. So, here is what Intel Core i3 is the best for Windows 10 and 11.

The Intel Core i3 13th generation is the best for Windows 10 and 11. It offers the best performance. But, for gaming it is the bare minimum. For a computer that’s only used for web browsing and working on documents the 11th generation i3 is the best. A newer generation will be excessive.

Anything down to a 4th gen i3 will provide an OK experience on Windows 10 and 11, for a computer that’s used just for web browsing and working on documents. 

However, an 11th gen will be fastest and be very snappy and responsive when you open programs, and use the user interface on Windows.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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