Is 16GB Ok for Windows 11 [And How Well it Performs]

Windows 11 has recently been released and everyone loves the new user interface. New editions of Windows typically require more computer resources, as computer technology improves. Today, based on my extensive research I will explain if 16GB is OK for Windows 11. 

16GB 11 is OK for Windows 11. A survey of over 200 Windows 11 users found that the vast majority (72.9%) said that 8GB is ideal for Windows 11. 

Whereas, 16GB, or more is ideal but only for gamers, or people that use resource intensive programs such as video editing or streaming software. 

Below, I will show the results of the study, explains if RAM speed is important. And answer:

Let’s dive in!

Is 16GB Enough For Windows 11

image of a computer with 16GB of RAM and Windows 11

Windows 11 has minimum system requirements, which is 4GB. But, based on people’s experience, 4GB is quite slow. And not recommended. I compiled data from a survey I conducted where I asked how much RAM is good for Windows 11.

A total of 203 people responded. Here’s a table that shows the results:

Amount of RAMNumber of votesPercentage of votes

From the table you can see that the vast majority said that 8GB is ideal for Windows 11. The people that said 16GB or more is good only for a gaming PC. For a gaming PC, they all stated that 16GB is good for gaming.

But, most people were of the strong opinion that because RAM is fairly inexpensive it makes sense to get 32GB or even 64GB or RAM. The reason is that it will be more than enough for many years to come.

Whereas, 8GB is the minimum for gaming, and 16GB will begin to be too slow in 3 to 4 years or so for the latest games. 

The truth is:

It’s not difficult at all to add more RAM at a later stage. But, it is more convenient to add it all at once. 

I personally have 8GB of RAM, and use my laptop for a work computer. I’m also a hobby gamer, and play the extremely popular game Dota 2. There are a few settings within Windows 11 that can be used to improve performance.

For RAM specifically I found a somewhat lesser known setting called SysMain. I had amazing results by disabling it. 

I explained what it does, and show screenshots of how it improved my RAM performance in this article about if disabling Sysmain improves performance.

Using an integrated graphics card (the worst kind), I can play it on the highest graphics settings with no issues at all. Here’s a summary table that shows how much RAM you should have for your PC, based on what you use it for:

RAMWhat the computer should be used for
4 GBNot recommended
8 GBWork, school, university, hobby computer
16 GBMinimum for serious gaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software
32 GBExcellent for gaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software
64GBExcellent for gaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software

Is it important to get the fastest RAM speed

RAM has two key metrics:

  • The amount – such as 8GB or 16GB
  • The speed – such as DDR3, or DDR4

It’s not important to be concerned with RAM speed. The reason is a new version of RAM is released every 5 years or so. Here’s a table that shows when each version of RAM was released:

Type RAMYear ReleasedClock rate (speed)
DDR1998200 MHz
DDR22003533 MHz
DDR320071066 MHz
DDR420141600 MHz
DDR520203600 MHz 

Many people wonder whether the amount of RAM you have affects your graphics card. I explained if it does in this article.

READ MORE >> Does low RAM affect GPU performance?

From the table you can see that RAM is released every 5 years or so. Interestingly, we are due for a new version of RAM in about 2025.

Therefore, if you buy a new computer it will always have the latest version of RAM. Unless, you are close to when the new version of RAM is released.

For example, in 2025 if you want to buy new RAM. Or, a new pre-built computer, and DDR6 RAM has been released. You will find some computers have RAM that is DDR5, and some that are DDR6. So it’s worth checking before you get it.

Whereas, at the moment in 2023/2024 all new RAM, and new computers will come with DDR5 RAM.

It’s very important to note that the motherboard on a computer only supports one type of RAM. It can only use DDR4, or DDR5 RAM as examples.

If you try to install DDR4 RAM into a motherboard that is a DDR4 motherboard it won’t work. And won’t fit. They have slightly different cut outs in the slot, so it physically won’t fit into the motherboard.

Is 8GB Enough For Windows 11?

8GB of RAM is enough for Windows 11. But, only for a work, school, or university computer. As well as, for hobby gaming. Some programs require a lot of a computer’s resources. While, some programs only require a lot of a computer’s resources when certain tasks are done within a program.

The most common are:

  • Graphics intensive games – like Fortnite
  • Video editing software – when rendering a video at the end of editing
  • Streaming software – runs in the background while running a game

If you use your computer for these, then 16GB is the minimum. But, it also provides excellent performance. With 32GB being ideal.

How Much RAM Does Windows 11 Need?

Windows 11 has a minimum requirement of 4GB of RAM but this is too slow for most users. For a fast and smooth experience 8GB is the minimum for Windows 11. For a gaming PC, or a computer you use for video editing or streaming, 16GB is the minimum for Windows 11.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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