Is 16GB of RAM Good For Windows

If you’re like me you’ve wondered at some point how much RAM you need for your computer, and I don’t blame yah, because getting it right means that your computer will run as fast as possible. And also you won’t spend more than you need to on your computer.

Overall, 16GB of RAM is good for Windows. But, only for Windows 10, and 11. It’s a bit too much for older versions of Windows.

According to data I compiled from a survey of over 30 people that responded to the question on a Reddit thread, 16GB is ideal for Windows 10 and 11. But, 32GB is future proof.

Below, I will provide a rundown of how the amount of RAM you have effects the performance of Windows, and what the ideal amount of RAM is for Windows.

How Much RAM Is Ideal for Windows [All Versions]

All versions of Windows use about 1GB to 3GB of RAM when sitting idle. Therefore, this leaves a very large amount of RAM for Windows to use for programs and games.

In general, 16GB is more than enough to run Windows smoothly and provides a very good user experience.

Each version of Windows uses slightly different amounts of RAM when sitting idle, which leaves less that can be used by your computer to run programs and games. 

There is a minimum amount of RAM that Microsoft recommends for Windows, but in practice more RAM provides a much better user experience that is far more enjoyable because it takes less time to load programs, and to do things on Windows. 

Here is a full rundown of how much RAM is best for the different versions of Windows to provide a really good user experience.

In general, 4GB is ideal for Windows 7, and version that are older than that. Whereas, 8GB or more is ideal for the versions of Windows after Windows 7, which are Windows 8, 10, and 11. For gaming, and resource intensive programs like video editing software, 16GB is the minimum.

Here’s a helpful table that summarizes this information:

Version of WindowsUsed for web browsing and working on documentsUsed for gaming, and resource intensive programs
Windows XP2GB to 4GB8GB+
Windows Vista2GB to 4GB8GB+
Windows 74GB8GB sufficient, 16GB+ ideal
Windows 88GB8GB sufficient, 16GB+ ideal
Windows 108GB8GB sufficient, 16GB+ ideal
Windows 118GB8GB sufficient, 16GB+ ideal

Computer hardware gets better and better each year, but the good news is the price stays about the same. Most people are of the opinion that 32GB of RAM for Windows 10 and 11, is future proof and will last for the next 3 to 4 years, until about 2027. 

Whereas, at the moment 16GB is sufficient to play almost all games and use resource intensive programs.

I compiled some data from responses people gave when asked how much RAM you should have for gaming and compiled it into the table below:

How much RAM for gaming and resource intensive programsPercentage of people that agreed
4 GB0.00%
8 GB3.13%
16 GB87.50%
32 GB6.25%
64 GB0.00%

As you can see that vast majority of people said that 16GB is how much RAM you should have. Many people commented that currently in 2022, 32GB, and 64GB is overkill but will mean your computer is future proof for the next 3 to 4 years. 

But, it’s possible to buy additional RAM in the future when you need it.

A test was performed by taking a computer with medium specs, and installing different versions of Windows on it. 

For each version, the amount of RAM it used when idle was measure, as well as, what percent of the CPU (processor) it used. Below, is a table that shows the results.

Version of WindowsPercent of the CPU, and amount of RAM when idle
Windows XP853 MB of RAM, and 0% of the processor
Windows Vista1.36 GB of RAM, and 1% of the processor
Windows 71.2 GB of RAM, and 0% of the processor
Windows 82.2 GB of RAM, and 4% of the processor
Windows 102.54 GB of RAM, and 10% of the processor
Windows 112.77 GB of RAM, and 25% of the processor

From the table you can see that Windows 11 uses more of the processor than Windows 10. This is generally, not an issue unless you NEED to keep a lot of programs open at the same time. However, this isn’t necessary for the vast majority of people.

Another factor that increases the speed of a computer is the CPU. The RAM and CPU interact with each other. For example, you may have noticed that the percentage of the CPU that is being used can vary depending on what you’re using your computer for. 

For example, it can be at 54% usage, or even 100% usage. It’s common for a computer to run OK even when the CPU is at 100%. But, I explained if this is bad and if getting more RAM will cause the CPU to use less of it’s percentage in this article about whether high CPU usage is bad.

Another consideration is what CPU is good for Windows. Intel makes some of the most popular CPUs, and are rated as some of the best on the market. The Intel Core i5 is a popular option, and is widely considered to be one of the best CPUs out there. 

I explained how good the Intel i5 is in this article about whether the Intel Core i5 is good for Windows, as well as what Intel i-series processor such as the i3, i7, i9 are good for Windows and what generation is the best depending on what you are using your computer for.

What Is the Best Amount of RAM for Windows 10

The minimum RAM recommended by Microsoft for Windows 10 is 1GB or 2GB depending on whether your computer is an older 32-bit, or the now standard 64-bit. 

But, Windows 10 is a bit slow with this amount of RAM. Here is what the best amount of RAM is for Windows 10 based on what you are going to use your computer for.

8GB is the best amount of RAM for Windows 10. However, for gaming and resource intensive programs like video editing software, 8GB is just enough. Whereas, 16GB is considered the minimum to provide a smooth, fast and enjoyable user experience.

32GB is a little bit surplus to requirements. Getting 32GB won’t provide much of an increase in performance. The one advantage is that it will mean you won’t need to add more RAM in the future. In essence, you are future proofing your computer. 

Can Windows 11 Run on 16GB of RAM

Windows 11 was recently released, and typically newer additions of software have more demand for computer resources. There are minimum specs required for Windows 11. Here is how much RAM you need to run it, and if Windows 11 runs on 16GB of RAM.

Windows 11 can run on 16GB of RAM. Windows 11 uses a similar amount of computer resources as Windows 10 when idle. 8GB is about the minimum to provide a fast and enjoyable experience on Windows 11. Whereas, 16GB is the minimum for gaming on Windows 11.

With Windows 11 the sweet spot is also about 16GB for gaming, and computer intensive programs. 

Whereas, 8GB is sufficient and provides a smooth and fast user experience. 32GB is OK but is overkill, and not required unless you use your computer for something very extreme. 

For example, you have 100 tabs open on Google Chrome open at a time, and run 4 huge monitors with many different applications open on each screen. Some would ask why, others would ask why not.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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