Can You Have a Good CPU and a Bad GPU [Which Is More Important]

The CPU and GPU on a computer are two of the most critical components for a computers performance. CPUs and GPUs vary based on how fast they are. Today, I will cover if you can have a good CPU with a bad GPU.

It’s fine to have a good CPU and bad GPU. But, it’s not the ideal. The set up that provides the best performance is a CPU that matches the GPU. 

But, a GPU that is slightly better than the CPU is optimal. Independent tests have been done by swapping out a CPU and a GPU and testing how well a slow and fast CPU works with a slow and fast GPU. Below, I will show the results, as well as:

Let’s get into it!

What Happens When You Have a Good CPU and a Bad GPU?

image of a computer with a good CPU and a bad GPU

When you have a good CPU and a bad GPU nothing bad happens. But, the CPU has more processing power that can be utilized. A CPU that is faster than the GPU will be able to max out the GPU. 

It will have a GPU utilization of 100% when doing something that puts a big demand on the GPU. Such as, gaming, or video rendering. I explained this in more detail in this article about whether 99% GPU utilization is good.

Therefore, the capacity of the CPU is surplus. It can be utilized by getting a faster graphics card. But, it’s no necessary. Here’s a table that shows how performance varies based on how fast or slow the CPU is compared to the GPU:

CPU and graphics card (GPU) specsPerformance
Fast CPU, slow GPUOK, not ideal
Slow CPU, fast GPUOK, not ideal
Close to evenly matched CPU and graphics cardOptimum

Here’s another table that shows why an evenly match CPU and GPU provides the best performance: 

CPU and GPU speedsWhy it’s worseWay to improve performance
CPU is too fast for the GPUCPU is waiting on the GPUGet a better GPU
GPU is too fast for the CPUGPU is waiting on the CPUGet a better CPU
GPU is equal or slightly faster than the CPUNone.

The truth is:
Any new pre-built computer such as a laptop or desktop computer you buy in a store or online will have a CPU that perfectly matches thee GPU. And it will have optimum performance.

The one difference is that many computers come with an integrated graphics card, rather than a dedicated graphics card. As you may know, a dedicated graphics card is stand alone, and plugs into your motherboard.

Whereas, an integrated graphics card is built into the CPU, and can not be changed. However, if you install a dedicated graphics card it automatically disables the integrated graphics card. A computer can only use one graphics card at a time.

It’s well known that getting a dedicated graphics card such as an NVidia GeForce will dramatically improve framer per second (FPS), if you currently have an integrated graphics card.

On a mid range computer the integrated graphics card that comes with your computer is generally more than adequate for gaming. And provides a very smooth gaming experience even on very graphics intensive games. Such as, the most popular game at the moment Fortnite.

How to know if a CPU and GPU are good together

Before getting a new computer component such as a CPU or GPU, it’s important to know if they will go well together. There are GPU and CPU speeds but the easiest way to know is to look at custom built PC guides.

They provide a list of the best components based on your price range. Good examples, can be found on the website

For example, there is one for hobbyist gamer, a serious gamer, and the best custom built PC you can buy. In total there are around 12 different tiers of PCs. That include different combinations of the best performing CPUs and GPUs.

It’s best to compare the specs on your existing hardware, and the specs of new hard like a new GPU to see how they compare. As well as, how different they are to the recommended custom PC builds. Then aim to get a CPU and GPU combination that is the closest or the exact same as the recommended PC builds.

Another big factor is the RAM speed, and the amount of RAM.

READ MORE >> What’s more important the RAM or CPU

For an existing computer you can see how your CPU and GPU match by opening up the Windows Task Manager and looking at the CPU and GPU usage percentage. 

To see it click on the performance tab on the left hand side of the Task Manager to see the CPU and GPU usage percentage. It’s best to see what it is when maxing out your CPU and GPU by doing something resource intensive like a graphics intensive game.

Here’s a table that shows how to interpret your GPU and CPU usage percentage.

CPU usage percentageGPU usage percentageWhat it means
100%100%GPU and CPU perfectly match
100%50%CPU is too slow for the GPU
50%100%GPU is too slow for the CPU
50%50%CPU and GPU perfectly match and are very high end. Or, you can turn the graphics settings up

Do You Need a Good GPU if You Have a Good CPU?

You do not need a good GPU if you have a good CPU. But, it’s best to have a GPU that matches the CPU. And isn’t too slow or too fast for the CPU. If it does some of the capacity of the CPU or the GPU will not be utilized. It’s fine to start with a good CPU and get a better GPU later.

Often, the GPU that comes with computers – typically an integrated graphics card – is perfectly fine for hobbyist gamers.

Does the CPU Limit the GPU?

The CPU does limit the GPU. When the GPU is better than the CPU, the CPU can not keep up with the GPU. As a result, the GPU usage percentage will be 100%. It’s ideal for the GPU usage percentage to be at 100% when doing something that puts a lot of demand on the GPU such as gaming.

If your GPU is significantly slower than the CPU you can get a significant performance boost by getting a faster GPU. But, all pre-built computers come with a GPU and CPU combination that is matched. And the CPU will not limit the GPU. Or, the other way around.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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