Can Low RAM Cause High CPU Usage?

There are a few key components on computers that affect how fast it performs. RAM is one of these, and today I will if low RAM can cause high CPU usage.

A low amount of RAM does not cause high CPU usage. The RAM usage, and CPU usage are independent of each other. Adding more RAM to a computer will not lower the CPU usage.  In general, PCs should have 8GB to 16GB of RAM to perform as fast as possible.

High CPU usage is quite common. Below I will cover:

Let’s get into it!

How Does RAM Affect CPU Performance

a picture of a PC with high CPU usage that could be related to low RAM

Technically, the amount of RAM you have has no affect on CPU performance. I CPU will operate at the same speed regardless of how much RAM you have. But, in practice more RAM will allow a computer to run faster.

If you have 8GB of RAM at the moment, and your CPU gets to 100% usage often, or is at 100% all of the time it indicates a different issue that is unrelated to how much RAM your computer has.

Interestingly, it’s perfectly normal for RAM usage to be at 100%. And there is nothing wrong with doing so. In some industries such as big data, and computer servers, it’s commonplace to run CPUs at 100%, 24 hours a day. 

Funnily enough, when playing graphics intensive games it’s common for the CPU to be running at 100%, and there is no issue with doing so.

It has no negative affect on performance to run a CPU at 100% usage. But, it’s important to ensure your CPU does not overheat. I explained how to see if your CPU is too hot, and how hot it should be in this article about whether high CPU usage is bad.

How much RAM is ideal

Computers come with different amounts of RAM, and every 5 years the baseline amount of RAM a computer will have changes. Below, is a table that shows how much RAM a computer should have based on how it’s used.

RAMWhat the computer should be used for
4 GBNot recommended
8 GBWork, school, university, hobby computer, decent gaming performance
16 GBGaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software
32 GBGaming and resource intensive apps like video editing software

4GB nowadays is too slow for Windows 10 and 11. It works fine, but is a bit slow. It’s passable for doing school, and work on. 

But, is very slow for gaming and resource intensive applications. Almost all sources point to 16 GB being the sweet spot for the next 5 or so years. From 2023 to 2028 or later.

With 8GB being very good, especially for computers that aren’t wanting a top of the line gaming experience. 

I personally have a computer 8GB of RAM and play graphics intensive games on it like Dota 2 on the highest graphics settings without any issues at all. And my computer has an integrated graphics card. 

How Much CPU Usage is Normal

Normal CPU usage can be high for good reason. But, in other cases there can be malware or a virus that is using up all of your CPU. A good first check when your CPU usage is high is to run an anti-virus software like Malware Bytes.

Provided, you have removed any viruses and malware, your CPU usage should be hovering under 50% when idle. And go up and stay up at 100% when doing something that requires a lot of computers resources. Such as, gaming.

Many people have reported that high CPU usage was caused by overheating because they had not cleaned their laptop or PC for a long time. Such as, over 2 years. Over time, dust can build up and clog the fans and vents on a computer. The thermal paste on the CPU can also dry up completely.

It’s been reported that servicing your PC when the CPU is abnormally high fixes it. For example, if your CPU usage is 100% when idle with no programs open in the background.

Will Adding RAM Help CPU Usage

Adding RAM will not help CPU usage. If you add more RAM and add more the CPU usage will remain the same. However, it will make your computer faster. Especially, for having many programs open at once.

High CPU usage is directly caused by the programs running, and the demand these programs have on the CPU. Have less programs open, less demanding programs open, and less background processes open in Windows will all lower CPU usage.

The time it takes for the CPU to receive and send files controls how much of the CPU is in use. Based on the programs and processes that are running. 

If you take two computers with the same operating system, such as Windows 11, and the same programs open such as a Google Chrome tab, the PC with the faster CPU will have a lower CPU usage.

Whereas, if you take two identical computers and add more RAM to one of them, the CPU usage will remain the same.

But, the computer with the added RAM will perform faster. Especially when there are many apps and programs open at once.

Is 16GB RAM Enough

16GB RAM is enough. Everyone is in agreement that 16GB is ideal for a work computer. And a computer that requires very high end performance. Such as, for gaming, and programs like video editing software.

For a low end work, school, or university computer 8GB is decent. And it would appear very fast, smooth and responsive. If you can get 16GB for not that much more it’s worth it. Because it will future proof you computer.

32GB is even better. But, only for a very small percentage of people who use their computer very differently. For example, they keep a 100 or more Google Chrome tabs open at once. Or, like to keep everything open all the time, and have many different monitors.

Burns Vaughan

I am the operating system genie. I write all the articles on this website to help you make the best decision about the right operating system for you and your computer.

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